3 keys to a successful kitchen renovation

If you’re thinking about getting the best kitchen renovation in Calgary, consider the time, effort and financial investment that will go into making it a success. A kitchen remodel will increase your enjoyment of your home and add value to your property, but it’s no easy undertaking.

Creating, understanding and keeping a budget.

You must understand what you can afford and what aspects of the kitchen remodel you’re willing to splurge or save on. Part of creating that budget is deciding how you need the kitchen to function. Do you want an island or custom roll out drawers in the cabinets? Do you dream of granite countertops or are you okay with faux granite laminate? Are you going to replace all the appliances with high-end, high-efficiency models?

If you do some research on kitchen renovation ideas and styles and decide on the specific features you want in your kitchen, you’ll have a better understanding of your budget restraints. Check out products, go to home shows and see what is possible within the amount of money you’re ready to spend.

Hiring a professional interior designer.

Every great project should start with a well-laid plan. Design is important to the entire look and feel of the room. It includes the location of countertops, cabinets, appliances, islands, furniture and everything else that will be in the kitchen. It might seem like an easy enough thing to do on your own, but kitchen renovation contractors and designers have professional experience making kitchens ergonomic, ensuring they have good flow both practically and visually. An interior design can help you understand the renovation process and give you perspective when you feel overwhelmed with choices.

Hiring an experienced and talented contractor.

Any kitchen renovation contractors you hire should have a business license, insurance, carry WCB insurance and be able to produce a list of references from past customers. The right renovation company to hire is one that has done many kitchen remodels, for many years, not just one or two. Just like you wouldn’t trust a newbie to fix your car’s engine, you shouldn’t trust a contractor with no experience to tackle this complex renovation project.

Get more Kitchen Renovation tips >> ADVICE FOR A HEALTHIER KITCHEN REMODEL

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