Add Natural Daylight to Your Home Renovation

There is no better lighting than natural daylight. Exposure to natural light can improve your mood, reduce stress and increase productivity and comfort. Natural light is pleasing aesthetically and adds a feeling of warmth and comfort to the room. What if you could light your home effectively and efficiently using daylight?

Solatube Daylight System

Solatube Daylight System Edmonton The Solatube Daylighting System is engineered to capture the sun’s light and channel it into your home. This system is an affordable, high-performance lighting solution that will bring daylight into your interior spaces where traditional windows and skylights can’t reach. You can deliver natural light to interior spaces like bathrooms, kitchens, offices, closets and hallways like never before. Solatube skylights are cost-effective, eco-friendly and energy-efficient helping you light up your home while minimizing the need for electricity.

Not only are Solatube skylights less expensive than traditional skylights, they are also much easier to install. The Ceiling Centre and LightCo Solar Systems in Edmonton and LightCo in Calgary will have your new Solatube Daylighting System installed in just a couple of hours. There are flashings for every roof type and no structural changes to your home are required.

Solatube skylights will also help reduce your energy use and help you lower your energy bills. Since your home will be lit by the sun during the day, there will be no need to pay for electricity at that time.

Check out these before and after photos:

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Smart LED

The Solatube Smart LED combines the use of the sun’s rays with energy efficient LED lights to provide the perfect day and night home lighting solution. LED technology provides full spectrum of long-lasting light and because they are so small and easy to control they have great optical efficiency. That means you’re reducing electricity consumption by night and using virtually no electricity during the day! The combination of these two technologies could help you save over 90 percent on your energy costs.

Smart LED comes in a variety of decorative finishes so you can choose a fixture and style that best suits you and your home. Special add-on features for the Smart LED product include an occupancy sensor so the light only comes on when someone is in the room and a daylight dimmer which allows you to adjust the amount of light during the day.

Shine a little light on your bathroom or kitchen renovation!

If you are embarking on a bathroom or kitchen renovation, now is a great time to consider installing a Solatube Daylighting System. If your bathroom is lacking in natural lighting or you wish you had a few more windows in your kitchen this is the best way to let the natural light shine in!

The Ceiling Centre and LightCo Solar Systems can provide you with a free, in-home consultation to help answer all of your questions regarding the Solatube Daylighting and Solatube LED systems. They’ll help you choose the right model for your needs and find the best placement in your bathroom, kitchen or hallway. They can also show you add-on accessories like dimmers, decorative fixtures and light kits.

Ready to have a brighter and happier home?

Contact the Ceiling Centre/LightCo Solar Systems in Edmonton!

Or contact the LightCo Solar Systems in Calgary!