If you’ve ever taken a new colour of paint and completely redone a room in your home, you’ll understand the transformative power of paint. Even if it’s just adding a fresh layer of the same colour, it’s amazing how far a little paint can go. But have you ever considered applying the same total transformation to the outside of your home?
Exterior painting can do a lot more than just restore the look of aging siding, and getting it done professionally can double those benefits—all it takes is the right colour.
Blue Chip Painting in Vancouver is a professional painting company. They share some tips for choosing exterior paint colours for your home:
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ToggleFactor in the landscape and outdoor features
Just as you would factor in your furniture and the layout of your home on the inside, take the same consideration with the landscape outside. Do you have lots of greenery like large trees or bushes? What about bright, vibrant flowers? As with any colour palette pairing, you don’t want to clash colours. So, if you have bright flowers and want a bright home, make sure you don’t end up with a jarring blend of colours. Instead, try to work with natural outdoor colours. Bright blues, neutral grey, and whites work well against greens and brick. Likewise, you can work with lighter green or dark blues, but then add bright white trim to make your house pop.
Consider your homes architectural style
To a degree, the right paint colours and styles can give your home a slightly different architectural feel. Perhaps you want a more rustic cabin look or something slightly more Tudor reminiscent. Paint can help with that to a degree, but it can’t completely change the architecture of the house. Instead, choose paint colours that work with the home. You can definitely be bold in the colours, but maybe don’t opt for a bright pink on a Federal-styled home. For example, though, a Tudor revival home looks great with a bold, darker trim but then a light plain face.
Think about the curb appeal
The thing about curb appeal is that it’s more than just about resale value or appealing to buyers. The curb appeal of your home should appeal to yourself as well, since it is, after all, your home. But also keep in mind the overall appeal of your home with regards to the neighbourhood. Yes, you want your home to stand out, but there is a risk of standing out too much. The right blend of colours will make your home pop, while still matching the feel of the overall neighbourhood.
Don’t limit yourself to just one colour
The great thing about painting your home’s exterior is that you don’t have to just stick to one or two colours. You ideally want to select at least three complementary colours: field, accent, and trim. The field colour will be the main colour of your walls, so think of it as the feature colour in a room. The accent is the colour used on doors and shutters to help make them stand out. With doors, this is where you can get creative with choosing a real feature colour to make it pop. Lastly, trim is used for the windows and door casings or edging on the roof. Look at some exterior paint combination ideas for a creative inspiration boost.
Painters in Vancouver
Blue Chip Painting is a professional and experienced group of painters, dedicated to helping transform your home. They pride themselves in not only their quality of work and service but also ensuring their customer’s painting dreams are realized. They offer both interior and exterior painting services, so you can transform your home both inside and out.