Renovation is a great way to transform an old property into something special, whether you’re doing it for yourself or working on the property of another. This transformation can change the feel and appearance of a property, but renovation can also achieve something even more important by creating a more energy efficient home. The effects of climate change can already be seen in every corner of the globe, from rising sea levels to an increase in the number of extreme weather events. Climate change seems certain to pose an even bigger threat to our children and subsequent generations, so we need to do all we can to reduce our own carbon footprint; these three home improvements can help you do just that.
1. Double Glazing
Old homes often feel cold and draughty, and one reason for this is ill-fitting windows or windows which are only single glazed. It’s little wonder then that the installation of double or triple glazing is one of the most popular property renovations, and that’s great news for the environment as well. Much of the heat lost from our homes escapes through the windows, but double glazing is much more effective at trapping heat inside rooms, thus reducing waste and making them much more energy efficient. This can also have a significant impact upon heating bills, reducing costs as well as your carbon footprint.
2. Heat Recovery
Double glazing is a great way to reduce energy loss, but some loss will still occur. However, a high-quality heat recovery unit can lead to an even more efficient, and therefore greener, home. Leading models such as the Nuaire MVHR units can be used for either domestic or commercial premises and can be found on the web by clicking this link: These wall or cupboard mounted systems come in a variety of sizes, and can recover 92% of heat that would otherwise simply be wasted. This creates a very energy efficient home, which is great news for builders and contractors too as it can help them meet the latest green-inspired building regulations.
3. Insulation
Windows aren’t the only vulnerable areas of homes where heat can escape, so it’s important that we have energy efficient doors and that we stop as much heat as possible from leaking through our walls and roofs. One particularly effective way to do this is to install loft and roof insulation, and by adding cavity insulation to suitable walls. Insulation works by trapping heat within tiny pockets of air, and this has the dual effect of making rooms feel considerably warmer in winter but also cooler and more pleasant in summer. The result of this is that property owners will also feel able to run their central heating at a lower temperature, which is another boost to the environment.
Manmade climate change is perhaps the greatest threat facing the world today, but while it’s important that governments take positive action, we can all do our own bit to help. Renovating a property provides the ideal opportunity to make it more energy efficient by adding double glazing, insulation and Mechanical Ventilation with Heat Recovery systems. These can be smart investments in another way too, as they can help to reduce energy bills and may even add to the value of the property.