Improving energy efficiency in your commercial construction project

Commercial buildings account for a significant percentage of energy consumption in Canada. Data shows us that energy usage increases with square footage, but the design is the starting point for an energy-efficient building.

Greenstone Construction focuses on modern building technologies that bring the concept of sustainable commercial construction. Calgary business and building owners can improve the efficiency of their new buildings with these considerations:

Start with the design

To maximize efficiency with your commercial construction project, you’ll need to start with the design. Your Calgary construction design team at Greenstone Construction will consider all aspects of the building. The building envelope and exterior, HVAC systems, insulation, electrical system, framing, drywall, lighting, etc. Consequently, each element interacts with the others and contributes to thermal performance and energy consumption.

Design an efficient building envelope

A building envelope separates the outside from the controlled environment inside a building. It includes exterior walls, siding, foundations, doors, windows, insulation, the roof, and so on. A well-designed building envelope will drastically reduce energy loss by keeping that warm air inside during the winter and out during the summer. Furthermore, an efficient building envelope can reduce strain on your HVAC system and cut energy costs.

Invest in a highly efficient HVAC system

Calgary sees weather extremes! It is bitterly cold in the winter and can get scorching hot in the summer. A high-efficiency HVAC system will increase your heating and cooling efficiency and improve ventilation and indoor air quality. Greenstone Construction works with reputable commercial HVAC companies and engineers that can design your building’s heating and cooling system for optimal performance.

Electric and natural light considerations

Optimize the electric light usage by installing LED fixtures and bulbs and motion detection lighting where appropriate. In addition, windows and skylights can help take advantage of the sun’s natural, cost-free, and sustainable light. As a result, you’ll cut back on your electricity bills. For example, you can design the rooms that will be used for the longest part of the day, so they are south facing.

Reduce high-powered ambient light fixtures by combining natural light with task lighting in workspaces. Painting the spaces white, especially the ceilings, can help reflect natural light and make the room brighter.

Consider solar power

Calgary gets about 2400 hours of sunshine each year. Take advantage of this clean and renewable energy source with your commercial building. Integrating solar panels in your commercial construction design will help you reduce the use of non-renewable energy. As a result, you’ll lower your impact on the planet and your electricity bill. Learn more about how solar power can integrate with your building.

Commercial Construction in Calgary

Greenstone Construction consists of a team of designers, project managers, trades, and Calgary construction workers that deliver high-quality construction projects. In addition, they have a passion for sustainability and can help you design and build an energy-efficient building.

Contact them to learn more!



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