Written by HouseMaster Home & Commercial Inspections
Home sellers may not consider a pre-listing inspection to be a worthy expense, since buyers will want their own inspections anyway and it could cost time and money if an expensive issue crops up. However, in today’s market, the reality is that a pre-listing inspection from a qualified home inspector is quickly becoming the norm. Here are some tips for determining whether a pre-listing inspection is in your best interest—and how it can help lead to a quick sale.
Some sellers have an inflated view of what their home is worth, even when presented with comparable homes. By having the inspection report in hand, sellers will feel confident that they’re asking for the best price based on the condition of the home, and buyers will feel that what they see is what they’ll get. A pre-listing inspection often prompts buyers to make an offer on a home without a home inspection condition, especially when multiple offers are likely. It also shows buyers that the seller’s are serious about selling and helps them list the home’s assets and updates, all of which strengthen the home’s selling power.
If the sellers are concerned about buyers shying away from defects, remember that although no home is perfect, a pre-listing inspection report puts many issues into perspective. Providing estimates on how long a home’s components will last helps buyers rationalize long-term repairs versus focusing on the costs. Knowing a repair might not have to be made for several years could reduce a buyer’s need to ask for a price concession. The sellers also have the opportunity to correct any defects or come up with an action plan before the house hits the market. They can then choose to repair the items themselves, hire a contractor, or drop the price of the home to more accurately reflect its condition. Hiring a professional inspector gives the seller’s the ability to be present during the inspection. Home inspectors can help the sellers understand any issues that might surface during a buyer’s inspection.
Eliminating last-minute surprises and ensuring the home is properly priced can considerably reduce the negotiation phase by taking many of the home’s defects off the table. Because the sellers had time to correct issues or reduce the price of your home, there won’t be much left for buyers to negotiate on. While buyers will still request their own inspections as a condition of sale in most cases, you can be confident a secondary report will strengthen the information in your pre-listing inspection, paving the way for buyers to remove this condition without the haggle. With all the cards on the table in the form of a pre-listing inspection, buyers are less likely to walk away due to an unpleasant surprise discovered at the eleventh hour, and it will help combat any suspicions they may have. By removing these roadblocks, you can find your way to a smooth sale quickly—and for the best price possible.
Home Inspections in Edmonton
HouseMaster Home Inspections has been serving Albertans since 1994 and has completed over 35,000 inspections. They have inspectors for all types of homes including houses, duplexes, acreages, townhouses, condos, apartments and all types of commercial properties. They provide home inspections in Edmonton and area as well as all of Central and Northern Alberta. Thermal Imaging is included on every inspection.
Selling your home? Contact HouseMaster Home & Commercial Inspections for a pre-listing inspection!