The importance of having a professional install tile flooring

Whether installed on the walls, countertops, or flooring, tile is a guaranteed way to increase your home’s value. It adds a sleek, stylish look, is cost-effective as flooring, and is very durable. Tile flooring is not a DIY project, despite seeming like it is. To really benefit from its many advantages, a professional installer is a must.

Moar Tile is a professional and high-quality flooring and tile company. They share some of the key benefits of hiring their professionals to install your new tile flooring:

Secondary work requires more skill

Laying tile as flooring is one skill set, but it changes the process when paired with secondary work. Both plumbing or electrical work, as with radiant flooring, changes how the tile is installed, sealed, and designed. The flooring likely needs to be cut at new angles to fit around any toilets, bathtubs, and vanities. In a shower, the tiles need to be angled enough so that the water runs into the drain. Otherwise, the water becomes trapped and risks causing mildew growth in the shower.

Radiant flooring also changes how level the floor is and what underlayment must be used. Without the right experience and skill, the tiles can become damaged, or the joints and seams will be uneven. The finished look will look less professional, and the risk of moisture seeping in and causing mould is higher. With a professional, that risk is eliminated, because they have the right tools and experience for a seamless finish.

Designed tile is more complex

Depending on the type of tile you are installing, whether plain ceramic tiles or ones with printed designs, the process varies. Regular tile is installed in a straight, uniform line. A professional can quickly handle this work and make sure the lines are straight and sealed. Patterned tiles and ones with printed designs are a different matter. Without the right care, the patterns won’t line up, and the finished effect will be ruined. Leaving it to a professional is key since the process will take longer and need more care. DIYing risks taking days to complete, if not weeks, while a professional can handle it in less time with guaranteed results.

You’ll save more money

Tiling has more tools involved than other flooring types like click lock vinyl flooring, which is very DIY friendly. With tile flooring, specialized tools like cutting tools, measurement tools, and underflooring are all must-haves. As a DIYer, the cost to buy those tools can quickly spike your tile floor project’s overall cost. While it may seem tempting not to hire a professional, you will save more in the long run. Professionals have all the tools with them, so there’s no extra cost there. With their experience as well, there’s no risk of poor tile installation and potential water damage. If water gets beneath the tile and causes mould growth, the entire flooring will need to be removed. Not only is that a waste of time and money, but it can easily be avoided by hiring a professional.

Tile Flooring Installer in Edmonton

The professionals at Moar Tile have years of proven skill and experience when it comes to flooring installation. They can help with seamless tile as well as cork, laminate, and hardwood flooring. Whatever flooring you need, they ensure quality materials, services, and finishes that will add value for years.

Contact Moar Tile today!

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