Tag: Roofing in Edmonton

How often your roof needs to be replaced depends on a few factors. These include materials, climate, installation techniques, and how diligent you are regarding professional repairs. Consequently, [...]

There are many DIY opportunities around your home; however, your roof is not one of them. Professional expertise is required for all roofing installations and repairs. After all, [...]

With so many roofing materials available today, how do you pick the best one for your home? Most homeowners choose asphalt roofing because of its low cost and [...]

You need a solid and reliable roof to protect your home from the elements. However, time, storms, and climate take a toll on every roof. Maintenance is absolutely [...]

Are you an enthusiastic DIYer? Or is someone in your family eager to fix every problem themselves? In this case, you may think you’re up for repairing the [...]

There are so many roofing companies out there, and it can be hard narrowing down the options. You want to choose a company that offers professional service, quality [...]

Blog written by Fair and Square Roofing in Edmonton The roof of your home is not just about shingles that are visible from the street. There are several [...]

Cedar roofing adds a stylish and natural look to your home and comes with great benefits. Many homeowners love the aesthetics, but you should consider all the aspects [...]

When installing new roofing, one of the first decisions you’ll have to make is which material you use. With so many materials out there, how do you decide? [...]

If you have noticed your shingles are curling, peeling or coming away from your roof than it is probably time for a roof replacement. The most common type [...]