Category: mould testing & removal

What is asbestos? Asbestos is a natural occurring fibrous mineral and was a popular building material used during and prior to the 1990s. It was widely used in [...]

Health Hazards of Mold There are many potential health risks of being exposed to mold including: – eye, nose and throat irritation – coughing and phlegm build-up – [...]

Both mold and asbestos can be very harmful to your health and in severe cases, could lead to permanent damage or even death. If you detect mold or [...]

Written by Empire Health & Safety Asbestos is a mineral that is naturally occurring in many areas of the world. It was used up until the mid 1980’s [...]

Condensation, high humidity, water damage, poor building practices and poor ventilation in buildings could provide the perfect growing conditions for mould. Even short-term moisture problems in your home [...]