Blog written by Westco Services in Winnipeg
Often customers will ask if their garage door and opener require maintenance. We think about all the times that a garage door has broken and needed repair, but do we try and prevent those breakdowns from occurring? Westco Services has been maintaining overhead garage doors and openers in Winnipeg for over 20 years and is committed to spotting concerns and addressing items before they become costly breakdowns.
A standard maintenance inspection includes lubricating all moving parts. A garage door is the biggest moving piece of a home. It is subject to all weather conditions and the odd driving “oops.” Many items move and require lubrication. Rollers, hinges, bearings, springs, cables, weatherstrip should be checked regularly for wear and replaced if possible to keep a door working well.
Does an electric opener require service also?
Garage door openers should also receive routine maintenance. The garage door opener also provides a safety element to your home. It keeps the door closed and unwanted intruders out. It also provides safety to the members of your home. A properly operating system should reverse when a person or pet walks underneath a closing door. This is a very important element of a maintenance service.
Is your door starting to make funny noises? Consider calling Darryl at Westco Services for honest, professional service and garage door repairs in Winnipeg. A maintenance service can help your door and opener function properly and hopefully prevent future repairs.
Can a person maintain their own door?
How often should maintenance be done? Westco Services recommends an annual inspection. It can be done at any time in the year, and Darryl is willing to coach a homeowner to perform their own maintenance in the future.
Give Darryl a call today at 204-479-2719 and get your door ready for winter!