Accessible Home Renovations

An accessible home renovation will create a more accommodating living space for those with disabilities and/or mobility issues. There are general contractors in Calgary that will assist those with disabilities with safe and comfortable day to day living.

An Electric Powered Assistance Stair Lift with Seat.

Assessing Your Needs

If you’re considering an accessible home renovation, the first thing you need to do is think of where you need to make your home more accessible and what will be required to complete the project.  Start by making a list of what works for you and everyone that lives in your existing home and what does not. Identifying the problem areas will help a renovation company create an accessible design plan for your renovation that will be best suited to your needs.

For example, someone in a wheelchair might have a hard time using the kitchen sink because there is no knee space beneath the sink or the faucet is too far way from the front of the counter. A solution to eliminate those barriers or others like it could be included in your home renovation plan.

Options for Accessibility at Home

Making a bathroom or kitchen area larger or adding on accessibility features like a residential elevator, safety grab bars and shower seats in the bathroom are all things Calgary general contractors can build into your home. Other options include lever door hardware that’s easier to turn, reorganizing the layouts of certain rooms if can improve accessibility and, if it’s structurally possible in your existing home, widening hallways and doorways.

Building an exterior wheelchair ramp, lift or adding secure handrails to help you in and out of your house can all be built outside to further ensure the accessibility and safety of your home.  If you’re looking for inspiration, contact general contractors in Calgary or read the Accessible Homes information from the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation.

Funding for Residential Accessibility Home Renovations

Offered by the Government of Alberta, the Residential Access Modification Program (RAMP) provides grants to help lower-income Albertans with mobility challenges modify their homes so they can enter and move around more easily.

Who is eligible? Albertans of any age who use wheelchairs, seniors who use a wheelchair or four-wheel walker and people who have progressive neuro-degenerative diseases. Applicants must have a gross household income of $36,900 or less for a single person or $46,500 or less for a couple.

Learn more about eligibility for RAMP.



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