Category: HVAC system

A functional water heater is an important part of your home water system that guarantees hot water is properly delivered throughout your home. Water heating can take up [...]

Spring is here and you might be thinking about upgrading your air conditioner or installing a new one for the first time. Ledrix HVAC Services in Calgary is [...]

A duct system that is properly sealed and designed correctly will run more efficiently and make sure your home is safe and comfortable. Your furnace and heating system [...]

The New Year brings a renewed feeling of optimism and opportunity! Many people are making New Year’s Resolutions like losing weight, eating better, quitting smoking, or paying down [...]

Finally, summer is here! Temperatures are on the rise and your air conditioning unit is starting to kick into full gear. Properly maintaining your air conditioning system can [...]

Your home is where you spend most of your time. It’s where you relax, entertain and make memories with your family. That is why it is so important [...]

Your heating and cooling system is essential to the operation of your home. Ensuring it is operating at maximum efficiency will reduce energy use and cut down your [...]

We rely on our heating and cooling system to keep us comfortable in our homes, all year round. It’s important to have your HVAC system serviced annually. This [...]

Your furnace seems to be kicking in okay, but the air blowing through your registers is not that warm. It seems the furnace is on a lot more [...]

When a faucet is leaking or you are suddenly without any water pressure, you know there is an issue with your plumbing system and it’s time to call [...]