Statistics show 70 percent of Vancouver homeowners are planning on home improvements this year.

Statistics show 70 percent of Vancouver homeowners are planning on home improvements this year.


RenovationFind conducted a survey at the Vancouver Home and Design Show on October 27-30th, 2016. The results showed that 69.69 percent of those surveyed plan on embarking on a home renovation project in the next 12 months.


25.54 percent of home owners will hire a general contractor for their home improvement projects while 16.23 percent will attempt to do the renovation themselves. 58.23 percent surveyed will do both.

“One of the most important questions on the survey was what people look for when hiring a general contractor or home improvement company,” said Keith Riley, founder of “Sadly, we see that too many have been taken advantage of or have heard a story of someone they know being taken advantage of by a bad company during renovations.”


According to the survey, 43.3 percent of those survey know someone who has been ripped off by a home improvement business and nearly 22 percent have been taken advantage of themselves.


When asked what is the most important thing they look for in a renovation company or contractor, 44.5 percent stated that trustworthiness  was the most important. 37.08 valued quality of work  the most, 10.29 percent chose customer service.  8.13 percent of consumers surveyed placed importance on price.

“We see that homeowners are looking for trustworthy companies that do high-quality work. That is why only these kinds of companies are listed on,” said Riley. is an online directory of pre-screened and certified contractors, home improvement and home maintenance companies. It aims to protect homeowners from being taken advantage of by fly by night contractors, while promoting companies that are improving the renovation industry throughout Canada.

All companies listed on RenovationFind’s directory have been vetted and are continually monitored on seven important criteria including legal background checks, credit background checks, Better Business Bureau (BBB) membership, business license, business insurance and Workers Compensation Board (WCB) Coverage.

RenovationFind uses a third-party organization to pre-screen and continually monitor Suits, liens, and judgements against the companies that are listed on  For example, general contractors in Vancouver’s credit status is pre-screened and must meet RenovationFind’s minimum criteria before they are given financial clearance to be on their directory for renovations in Vancouver. RenovationFind will continually monitor the company’s credit to ensure they maintain their clearance status. is completely free for consumers to use.

“Finding a company on RenovationFind is the best way to know that you are hiring a company that will not rip you off, actually do great work and provide a positive experience for everyone,” said Riley.

