Category: concrete repair

As an excellent building material, concrete has widespread use in construction. From foundations, walls, floors, sidewalks to countertops, it is universal in construction applications. Unfortunately, a downside to [...]

Having a cracked driveway is more than just a problem when it comes to affecting the visual and curb appeal of your home. It also becomes a major [...]

If you have sunken concrete, you can have it restored at a fraction of the cost of a concrete replacement. Save money, time and energy with concrete [...]

Having clean, quality concrete around you home helps you maintain the value of your property. Damaged, cracked or sunken concrete on your driveway, walkways and patios can diminish [...]

Concrete Leveling The concrete in your driveway, walkways, patios and garage could move with the ground. Freezing and thawing as well as high moisture or clay content in [...]

If you’ve noticed that parts of your concrete driveway, walk way or patio is sinking, you should have it repaired as soon as possible. Not only is your [...]

Whether you want to stay in your home or sell it, some home improvements can add value to your property and are a smart investment. The state of [...]

There are many benefits of concrete repair, leveling and restoration for both business owners and home owners. Glossworks Alberta in Calgary can repair and resurface concrete driveways, sidewalks, [...]

When your driveway is damaged, cracked and sunken in areas, it can diminish your home’s curb appeal and make jobs like washing and removing snow a real pain. [...]

Why install a garage floor coating? If you want to transform your garage into a more attractive, functional and practical workspace, consider installing a high-quality garage floor coating. [...]