Prevent ice dams this winter with an attic insulation upgrade

Ice dams can be a problem in Winnipeg but are common in older homes. When that ice builds up on the edge of your roof, it can cause significant damage to your gutters, fascia, and roof. That ice can get under your shingles and cause a leak into your attic.

Ice dams indicate that your attic is not insulated or ventilated correctly. Advanced Insulation is a reputable insulation contractor in Winnipeg. They share more information about ice dams and how to fix them.

What causes ice dams?

Typically, older attics will have older insulation with very little thermal performance. In addition, it’s likely to lack proper ventilation and vapour barriers, which allow the moist warm air from your home into the attic. When the attic warms up, it warms up the roof and that causes the snow on the roof to melt. When there is enough snow, it insulates that bottom layer of melting snow, trapping the heat from the attic and allowing it to melt.

That melting snow runs down the roof and freezes with the changing temperatures. Over time, that ice will build up and cause an ice dam. In addition to the ice, it will form icicles hanging down. Read more about what causes ice dams.

How do you fix ice dams?

Fix the roof leak

First, you need to repair any damage caused by the ice dam. A roof and attic inspection will determine if you have a leak. If you don’t repair the leak first, your insulation installation will allow excessive condensation to form on the cold underside of the roof. That will eventually melt and cause more damage to the roof, ceiling, and your new insulation.

Upgrade the insulation

Once you’ve fixed the leak, you can opt for new attic insulation in Winnipeg. Blow-in insulation can significantly improve your home’s thermal performance and keep that warm and moist air out of the attic. Advanced Insulation uses high-quality cellulose insulation that is made in Manitoba from recycled materials.

You can also check out the Efficiency Manitoba Insulation Rebate. Your insulation contractor can help you apply for this rebate to help offset the cost of the upgrade.

Upgrade the ventilation

You must have proper ventilation in your attic to help move that air around and out. Without it, you could still get moisture and condensation that causes damage to the roofing system, beams, insulation and ceiling. Ventilation will ensure your attic keeps heat inside the house’s living areas and the moisture out!

Air seal everything

Advanced Insulation will conduct an air sealing service when performing an attic insulation upgrade. They will make sure anything that goes through the attic is not leaking air. For example, sealing things like bathroom fans, plumbing stacks, pot lights, electrical wiring, and other fixtures is essential.

If your home had an ice dam last winter, now is a great time to have your attic and roof inspected. Reach out to Advanced Insulation today!


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