Tile Ideas for Your Small Bathroom

If you want to renovate your bathroom, but don’t have a lot of wiggle room when it comes to size and layout, there are some ways you can get creative with bathroom tile that will help make the room feel bigger and improve aesthetic appeal. Plus, bathrooms are typically smaller than other rooms in the house, making tile installation a little easier and less expensive.

Use a light-coloured tile.

Bright, white or light colours like grey, beige and light brown can really open a small room and make it feel more spacious. Using darker wall and tile colour in a small bathroom can close it in. You don’t have to have pure white flooring and wall tile but consider using a lighter shade or if you want to go checkered, use at least 50% light tiles. Not only will the light tone set the mood for relaxing and enlarge the space, it will also allow the light to reflect off it, brightening the room. Plus, neutral tones can be more appealing to future buyers, which is a plus if you ever decide to sell your home.

Consider laying the tile diagonally.

Tile that is installed in a diagonal pattern will give the illusion of a larger room. Unlike tile that is laid in a controlled straight line and checkered pattern, diagonal tiles are a bit more chaotic and trick the eye as it scans the room. Not only does it make the room feel bigger, it also gives a vibrant flair to the bathroom’s style. If you want to have your tile installed diagonally, it’s best to leave this job to the professionals. Cutting the tiles for this type of placement can be difficult, so a pro will produce the best results. Read these diagonal tile ideas and inspiration.

Install large tiles instead of small ones.

Installing multiple small tiles in your bathroom means there will be more grout lines and the more grout lines you have, the more your small bathroom will feel like a grid. Tiny tiles in a tiny bathroom can make it feel claustrophobic. Using large tiles means less grout lines and more wide-open spaces without line breaks. As the professionals at a stile store to show you large tiles that will best suit your bathroom’s size and your personal design taste.

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