Window Replacement 101

Windows allow us to connect with the world outside within the comforts of our homes. The view outside and the natural light that comes in is beneficial to our mental and physical health. Windows are also focal points in each room and without them, our homes would be dark and gloomy.

Gienow Renovations in Calgary and Edmonton share some information on window replacements.

How do I know its time for a window replacement?

Just like any component in your house, windows age with time. Your older windows might have air or water leaks or warped frames. On average, a good quality window can last up to 20 years. Here are some signs you might need a window replacement:

You’re losing heat in the winter. If you home feels cold and drafty, check the windows. They are responsible for most of the energy loss in your home, so it’s most likely they’re the culprit.

The seals are broken. Condensation inside the glass means a seal is broken and the window needs to be replaced. A broken seal can also cause water damage to the surrounding trim and walls, or cause rot to wooden frames.

Warped frames might make it difficult to open and close your windows. This usually only happens to older wooden framed windows.

Why bother replacing them?

In some cases, you can repair seals on your windows to avoid replacing them. If you’re dealing with any of the major issues we’ve mentioned, you’re better off replacing them. New energy efficient windows will greatly improve home comfort while reducing monthly energy costs. They will also improve curb appeal and increase property value.

New ENERGY STAR rated windows are much more efficient than older models. They are jam-packed with insulating, energy saving features that will help you keep that expensive warm or cool air inside the house. If your windows were manufactured before the 1990s, you don’t have energy efficient glass and you’re spending way more than you have to on heating and cooling your home.

Where do I start?

If you’ve determined you need a window replacement, the best place to start is by calling Gienow Renovations. They can give you a free, in-home consultation. The window professionals at Gienow Renovations will help you decide what windows need replacing and which can be repaired for now. They can also show you a wide range of window options, helping you choose the best ones for your specific needs.

Contact them today for more information!

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Calgary location.


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