Category: heating and cooling

What to do before you flip the switch this summer! Air Conditioning Maintenance Checklist If you have been resisting turning on your air conditioner this year, you’ll probably [...]

The New Year brings a renewed feeling of optimism and opportunity! Many people are making New Year’s Resolutions like losing weight, eating better, quitting smoking, or paying down [...]

The thermostat is one of the most important components of your home’s HVAC system. It allows you to set a comfortable temperature and moderates when and how often [...]

If your Edmonton HVAC system is having trouble heating your home, making loud noises or you’ve noticed a spike in your heating bills, it might be time for [...]

If you’re a first-time homeowner, there are a lot of things to learn when it comes to properly maintaining your home. Committing to regular maintenance of your mechanical [...]

Finally, summer is here! Temperatures are on the rise and your air conditioning unit is starting to kick into full gear. Properly maintaining your air conditioning system can [...]

Your heating and cooling system is essential to the operation of your home. Ensuring it is operating at maximum efficiency will reduce energy use and cut down your [...]

Indoor comfort is a complicated matter. There are many factors in play that can affect comfort and most of them are invisible to our most relied upon senses. [...]

Your furnace seems to be kicking in okay, but the air blowing through your registers is not that warm. It seems the furnace is on a lot more [...]

A problem with your home’s plumbing system will not only drain your patience and energy, but also your bank account. Keeping an eye on your plumbing system will [...]