The difference between thin brick and face brick

Installing brick on your home’s exterior is a fantastic way to boost curb appeal and add resale value to your property. Brick is attractive, timeless and can really enhance the design of your home’s exterior. It can also be used inside, but in this article, we will be talking about exterior brick.

If you’ve done some research on exterior masonry for your exterior home renovation, you’ve probably come across the terms face brick and thin brick. Both are masonry options available for your home, but what’s the difference? Justin Avery Masonry in Edmonton shares more:

What is thin brick?

Thin brick as a slim cut brick veneer which can be as thin as 3/4”.  Many classic brick are now offered in a thin brick which means there are many options in turn raising their popularity.  They have the same curb appeal as a full 3.5” thick face brick but the installation method is much different.

The benefits of thin brick are their versatility and structural weight reduction.  They can be installed on most any exterior wall and are bonded to a wire lathe which means that the weight is hanging off of the wall with a very low weight per square foot.

Although it may appear that this system is an easier install, this couldn’t be further from the truth.  They often require much more finesse to achieve the desirable plum and strait look of brick as they tend to float on the bed of mortar which bonds them to the lathe.

What is face brick?

Face brick is the real deal.  They can very in thickness but the common thickness is 3.5”.  These are the ones you’d picture in your mind when you think about a brick.

The installation method of face brick is mounting a steel angle iron at the starting point (typically into your foundation for the strongest application). This method has all of the weight of the brick system bearing its load onto the angle iron as opposed to thin brick hanging from the wall.

A main benefit of face brick is its insulation factor, unmatched by any exterior cladding which is achieved by the thickness of the clay brick and the 1” air space between the back of the brick and the framing of the house or structure. The air space allows for no moisture to be trapped and can easily dry or dissipate.

Face brick can be added to most houses at any point as they are typically used only as a veneer and do not support any of the structure. The installation of face brick also requires very talented masons to insure that it is done properly.

Always remember that there’s more than what meets the eye in a proper brick installation of any type.  The prep work behind the brick is just as or more important than the final look from the outside.

Masonry Contractors in Edmonton

Justin Avery Masonry  specializes in face brick, thin brick, manufactured stone and natural stone installations. They can offer creative designs and solutions for any masonry installation.

Whether it’s a new build or renovation, they will guide you through the process and selections. Working with a professional can make the process simple, saving time and worry while improving your living space.

Contact Justin Avery Masonry today!


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