Category: solar panels

Written by SolarNinja Energy Solutions in Edmonton SolarNinjas Energy Solutions is able to cut your energy bills and beautify your property with solar panel installations. We can help [...]

Solar panels are a way to access a sustainable resource and help minimize your environmental footprint. However, installing solar panels is no easy job, and often requires the [...]

Solar energy offers undeniable benefits and value, which is why many homeowners choose it. But investing in solar energy isn’t a light decision and should be done with [...]

Solar panels are a great addition to any home, urban or rural. They are energy-efficient and will reduce your electricity bills. Interested in getting some of your own? [...]

Thanks to the advancements in technology and the push to go green, more home and business owners are making the switch to sustainable, clean energy. A solar system [...]

It’s obvious that going solar is not a decision to be taken lightly. This is a huge change in your and your family’s lifestyle. More importantly, this is [...]

Did you know that Edmonton is one of the sunniest cities in Canada? Solar energy is becoming more popular in Edmonton and the price keeps dropping. More homeowners [...]

4 Common Myths about Solar Debunked 1. Canada doesn’t have optimal weather for solar power. When people think of Canada, they think of cold, snowy and cloudy weather. [...]

Solar power is becoming a more popular option for powering residential homes in British Columbia. Are you ready to power your home with the renewable energy that comes [...]

There has never been a better time to install a solar power system to power your home. Not only will solar panels allow you to produce clean, renewable [...]