Tag: Edmonton

One of the first things people will notice about your home are the windows and doors. While both serve a practical function, they also serve quite the role [...]

Electricity is an important resource in any home or commercial building. It’s not something one might think about often, especially if there have been no problems in the [...]

One of the most important decisions that you make when renovating, is deciding who to hire to help with everything. With renovating being such a large investment as [...]

Renovating your home is a great way to update or improve the functionality of a room or space or simply to get it ready to sell. But a [...]

Typically, glide-out shelving is used in the busiest rooms of a home, such as a kitchen, pantry or bathroom. These are the areas in the home that are [...]

Picking out new colours for your home can be exciting, but there are a few things you need to do first to make sure your efforts look great. [...]

    There’s no hard rule when it comes to how often you should paint the interior of your home because it depends on so many factors. For [...]

A furnace is an important part of any home. However, they may not be functioning to the best of their ability. If the costs of repairs are stacking [...]

Your hot water heater should last up to 10 years, but over time things can start to corrode and malfunction. Unfortunately, when a hot water heater tank needs [...]

A skylight may just be a single-window installed into the roof of your home, but there are numerous perks. Aside from the practical benefits of giving your ceiling [...]