What to consider before installing rooftop solar panels

The prospect of lowering your electric bill and carbon emissions makes having solar panels on your roof seem like a great idea. However, there’s a lot to consider, and the professionals at Asonic Roofing and Construction Ltd. in Calgary can help.

Here are some top things to consider before you install solar panels on your rooftop.

Does your roof have ample access to sunlight?

If you have a lot of trees or other obstructions regularly blocking the sunlight from your roof, this will cause a problem. You have to make sure you’re getting a good return on the cost of the panels, so having adequate sunlight is a must.

Is your roof structurally sound?

Provided you get enough sunlight, the next step is to check the integrity of your roof. Is it in good shape structurally? Is it in need of a renovation in the next few years? If so, it makes more sense to do the renovations first before proceeding with installing the panels. Ensuring your roof is in good shape is something Asonic Roofing can help you with.

Also, you should also ensure your get a roof replacement before the solar panels are installed. Otherwise, they will have to be removed to do the job. Asonic Roofing can provide a professional roof inspection and recommend a repair or replacement. Then, you’ll know your roof is structurally sound and ready for solar panel installation. See more on whether to repair or replace your roof. 

Have you done your research?

Solar panels are not a cheap investment, so ensuring you receive the proper power payoff ahead of time is ideal. Before drawing up blueprints, an energy audit to check for efficiency upgrades is a must. You also need to decide what solar panels you want and how to properly connect to a grid. Doing a bit of research and speaking to a professional installer can help you determine the proper setup for your home.

How long do you plan to stay rooted?

It’s a good investment when you plan on living in your home for a long time. You’ll benefit from lowering your carbon footprint and reduced energy use. Over time, your energy savings will translate into long-term cost savings, and the solar panels will begin to pay for themselves.

If you decide to sell, your solar panels will help your home compete in the real estate market. Potential buyers will be attracted to a home with a sustainable and renewable energy source. While you won’t recuperate the entire cost of your investment, you’ll still see an increase in resale value and marketability.

Roofers in Calgary

The experts at Asonic Roofing and Construction Ltd. are equipped to prepare your roof for solar panels. They are a family-run company of vetted and certified tradespeople specializing in multiple roofing services. They offer roof replacements, repairs, gutters, siding, windows and doors.

Ready to start your project? Contact Asonic Roofing and Construction Ltd!

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