Month: August 2015

Maintaining your freezer becomes much easier when you start thinking about it in parts. Any freezer is made up of a number of individual components like a condenser, [...]

Who says ice machines are only for businesses? There’s nothing stopping you from getting one for your home and reaping the benefits. These machines come in a variety [...]

If you have an old furnace in your home, then it is about time that you consider replacing it. Most modern furnaces are cost effective in many ways. [...]

While functioning, most furnaces make a low humming or rumble noise, and they even make popping or clicking noises. This is absolutely normal. But if the sounds coming [...]

Although staying warm is a top priority when it’s cold outside, it is also important to maintain a certain level of moisture in the air. A properly working [...]

When winter arrives, the last think you want is for your furnace to give out. A leaking furnace can be a reason for failure and it is also [...]

At first, a DIY project may seem to be a good idea when it comes to getting something around your home updated or fixed, without spending much. When [...]

Keeping your dishwasher working effectively can be a daunting task, if you don’t pay attention to routine maintenance after installing this appliance. People usually believe that the dishwasher [...]

Today, homeowners are not afraid of tackling home improvement projects. But, it is important to understand that not all home improvement projects are do-it-yourselfers. There are some projects [...]

No HVAC system is immortal – at some point it’s going to breakdown. Over a period of time, the HVAC system accumulates dust and dirt which goes on [...]