Tag: Vancouver

Hiring a professional painter to do your interior is the perfect way to ensure a quality finish and professional work. However, before you do, you want to be [...]

While there are certainly some luxuries to having home automation, there are many more practical benefits. Home automation is more than just technology on-demand; it offers savings, security, [...]

Finding out there is asbestos in your home is a nightmare situation for any homeowner. Trying to do a DIY removal not only risks worsening the situation but [...]

If your needs have changed and your current home no longer meets them, it’s time for a change. Deciding whether you should invest in a significant home renovation, [...]

Canada’s weather is unpredictable, and if your home is not prepared for it, it could cause some damage before spring arrives. Some cleaning or repairs are ideally done [...]

The kitchen and bathrooms are the most commonly renovated rooms in the house. Both types of renovations can improve property value when done properly. Also, by remodeling the [...]

Getting a new asphalt roof is a great investment that will last for the next 20 years. That said, any colour choice will also last for the duration [...]

Natural gas is not only clean and convenient, but it’s also incredibly cost-effective to use. It may also be that you already own a gas line, but your [...]

So, you’ve decided to renovate one of the two main areas in your home: the kitchen and the basement. Both are great choices and are guaranteed to add [...]

Kitchens are one of the main rooms in a house that will use a lot of energy daily. That’s why Canadian Electrical Codes (CEC) have specific requirements to [...]