Author: Renovationfind

Clogs in your drains and sewer lines are no joke. While a clog can sometimes build up slowly over time, eventually it means there’s no place for wastewater [...]

With summer temperatures arriving, people are looking to spend more time in their outdoor living spaces. If a lack of privacy in your backyard is stopping you from [...]

Renovations help keep your home up to date, efficient, and stylish. Exterior renovations especially are great for curb appeal and increase your resale value. Still, there is a [...]

Both commercial and residential properties benefit from stylish, functional, and soundproof ceilings that boost value and overall appeal. If you’re looking for a specialized ceiling for your home [...]

Most exterior paint decisions are based around colour, the type of siding, or the best curb appeal choice. When you’re choosing paint for your home’s exterior, the things [...]

One of the most significant barriers for homeowners wanting to go solar is the upfront cost. The cost of solar has come down over the years, but it [...]

Deciding to paint your home is a big decision. It can be a big job with the prep work taking a good amount of time, and the actual [...]

A great time to upgrade your plumbing is during a home renovation. Chances are walls could be open, making the plumbing easier to access. Plus, sometimes it’s easier [...]

A laneway house is a detached house built on pre-existing property. If you’re looking for a source of secondary income, or have extra space on your property, a [...]

Kitchen renovations in Calgary have an excellent return on investment, especially when compared to other home renovations. Not only will they recover a large percentage of their cost [...]